Batismo de Guilherme e Josué 🩡🌊

 Bom dia gente boa!

This week as a zone we did an english fast!! No english in the house, during studies, english music, nada. I falhared muito but it was so good. I am going to miss speaking in so much Portuguese. But especially, I am going to miss testifying in Portuguese. It is just different and more powerful in Portuguese!! and I'm just trying to take advantage of every lesson and street contact and phone call to testify of Jesus Christ to the Portuguese people in the Portuguese language.

Guys the work is PROGRESSING MESMO. The two most valuable references you can receive as a missionary are those from members and those that are self references online. In the past 3 weeks we have received 8 member references πŸ€― and that is absolutely insane. I love this ward!! I love Gaia. We just see so many miracles.

In my past areas I've served in, I would say it has been common to receive 1 or 2 online references every week which means they clicked on a come unto Christ ad, or found themselves on the churches page and asked for a visit with the missionaries.(!!!) and it's so exciting to receive them!! Because normally they progress more than anyone we find on the street or knocking doors and so we are strongly encouraged to called them asap. 

In our zone there is a Sister area that is huuuge and super blessed. and these Sisters receive about 8 online references a day!! and in their area book they had 220 ONLINE REFERENCES just waiting to be contacted. 220 yellow dots😱 They've been juggling those bad boys for forever but it literally is impossible to keep up. So this last week, us, the ZL's, and their DL divided up all of their references and on that day we were able to call all of them. We just called them and were very straight up saying "Do you actually have interest in learning about what you signed up for?" and a lot of them didn't, but sooo many of them said straight up yes and it was way cool. We took detailed notes on them and their availability and gave it all to the sisters. We didn't even teach anything to them but it still took us 2 hours to do all 50 of the references we were assigned. So many people that are just so ready for the gospel!! So many people just asking for the missionaries to contact them!! I can't wait for this mission to divide next year because the Portuguese people need it. 

Speaking of Portuguese people, this week we received an online reference (#bless) from a 25 year old Portuguese man named JoΓ£o (I can't make this stuff up) that had went to the church website and put in his information to find "A Church Near Me." THIS MAN IS SO COOL. He is the first Portuguese person that is my age that I have actually actively taught on my mission. The rest of the Portuguese people my age are atheist or have other very strong opinions. He sent in his reference and then he ACTUALLY came to church and was sooo well received at church I could cry thinking about it. An IrmΓ£o took him in and sat with him and took him to elders quorum and all of the irmΓ£os loved him and by the end of the church he had everyones number and everyone was wanting to help in his lessons. After church we went to go give him a copy of the Book of Mormon and we came to find out that he somehow already had a copy at home?? We asked him how?? and he said that he has no idea but he does πŸ˜± "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever" (2 Nephi 27:23).

President said this week, that the church has given Portugal an "unlimited" budget (at least that is what he said) on the money being spent on church ads because of the success that they are seeing. That just blows my mind. 

Considering all of this, this week I went to the church's page and I hadn't really looked at it in awhile. I kid you not when I said I started tearing up looking at how welcoming the page is. Not only is the come unto Christ page more welcoming, but the church's homepage is now too. Everyone go look πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 

And also go watch the light the world videos because those are cry worthy too πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 

This Saturday, Guilherme and JosuΓ© were baptized πŸ˜­πŸ˜­❤️‍πŸ”₯❤️‍πŸ”₯ and they were confirmed on Sunday. We finally made it!! Now all of the members of the Gonzaga family are confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ. Sister Cornell baptized Edmir, the oldest son that's 25ish, about 7 months ago. Then Joel, who is 14 years old and is the most angel boy ever just like Max, was baptized about 3 months ago, and now Guilherme, the father, and Josue, who is 12 years old, are all baptized. They are the cutest family ever. I feel so blessed to be able to help this little family from Angola. During the baptism, Joel just wanted to help, holding the towels and mopping and all of the things. and on Sunday, I had the biggest smile on my face ever, literally just so giddy, as I watched Edmir give the Holy Ghost to his dad and little brother and confirm them members of the church. I said to Carlos during the meeting "meu coração fica muito feliz" πŸ₯² and it was true and is true. Nothing makes me happier than thinking of this precious little covenant keeping family and their futures. 

"Each person who makes covenants in baptismal fonts and in temples—and keeps them—has increased access to the power of Jesus Christ. Please ponder that stunning truth! The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power—power that strengthens us to withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better. This power eases our way. Those who live the higher laws of Jesus Christ have access to His higher power. Thus, covenant keepers are entitled to a special kind of rest that comes to them through their covenantal relationship with God." (Presidente Nelson)

"Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made." (D&C 25:13)

Carlos, my recent convert of 4 weeks, told me this week that he is praying for my family πŸ˜­ So know that there are lots of prayers being offered for you all. πŸ«Ά I love you guys!
🩷Sister Menden

- district council! I regretted wearing my tevas so fast. I'm just so tired of my mary janes πŸ« πŸ« 
- exchange with Sister Marriott!! Look at this cute girl looking at the Book of Mormon we had just given her πŸ₯²
- dinner with the Ribeiros πŸ©·
- us waiting for the metro to take us to porto for an exchange πŸ€—
- THANKSGIVING DINNER was us eating burger king while Sister Jones so selflessly used our dinner time to make content for our mission facebook page πŸ«‘
- exchange with Sister Bulleigh!!
- Guilherme and JosuΓ© baptism!! I do not know why they always have a scowl on their faces in pictures they are the most smiley people. 
