The last email πŸ’”


Bom diaaa πŸŒžπŸŒž 

I literally can't believe this is THE LAST EMAIL. We made it!!! 

This week was the best week ever. ❤️‍πŸ”₯ Literally the best way to end the mission. We have been so busy it's insane. We had to literally sprint to a couple of our lessons and we broke our record making it to the church building from our house (which is normally a good 15 minute walk without a ruagem) in a solid 5 minutes. πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️

This past week I woke up with SOO many bug bites. and every morning I woke up with even more. and it was literally just me, not even Sister Jones. We washed liiiiterally everything and nothing deu AND THEN we found the MOST GINORMOUS SPIDER by my bed okay it wasn't that big but it was humungo to be crawling all up and down my body bro. We killed him πŸ˜ƒ and I stopped getting bug bites πŸ˜ƒ Awesome πŸ˜ƒ Catch me going home white and pasty and looking like a literal leper. Oh and with a whole head of grey hairs ☠️

On Thursday we went to the temple!! With our recent convert Carlos!! Oh my gosh this was a good temple trip. There was no stress, no one at the temple, it was so nice. Carlos is a literal maquina and a couple weeks ago when we introduced him to family search, he super got into it. and his tree is huge now!! This was my first recent convert of my whole mission that actually was able to take his own family members names to the temple to help them to receive their saving ordinances. Carlos's mom passed away awhile ago, and he was so excited to bring her name to the temple, and his grandparents, and so many close relatives. Growing up a member, I've been so blessed to already have a lot of the work on my tree done for lots and lots of generations. The night before we went he sent me a message asking me if I would be the one to be baptized on behalf of his mom πŸ˜­πŸ€§ It was an unforgettable experience being there in the temple with Carlos, him being a worthy priesthood holder, and baptizing me on behalf of his mom. πŸ₯° I will forever hold that memory near and dear to my heart. 

On Friday we had our bestie friend Maria's baptism πŸ˜­ I love her so much. I have never seen Maria as happy as I have seen her this week. She was just so ready for this covenant. This covenant that brings us so much joy!! On Sunday during church she received the Holy Ghost and was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Spirit was soo strong. I couldn't help but sit there and think of her as the most powerful missionary one day (she is only 17!) and to think of her fulfilling future callings in young women's and relief society and to think of her raising her future family as a wife and mother in Zion made me shed a tear. 

This transfer alone, 4 of our friends decided to follow their Savior Jesus Christ and be baptized. And we were able to take two recent-converts to the temple. And all of these things, truly "denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." (Alma 30:44)

I really can't believe these 18 months really are coming to an end. When we were getting ready to drive the the MTC in Provo, Mal gave me a ring, a ring that I have worn every single day of my mission (Ok quase). And on the inside, she had engraved "only 548 days." Never once did looking at that ring make me sad, rather it motivated me to take advantage of everyday, even the days that were hard, to take advantage of every minute of the tempo do Senhor. Of my time in Portugal. Of my time preaching the gospel as a full-time representative of Jesus Christ. These 18 months have been a sacred time in my life and I hope I will always remember the miracles I've seen and the lessons I have learned. 

In our mission call letter it says, “As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” This past little while, I made a list of some of the truths that the Spirit has made manifest to me on my mission (and other valuable things I have learned) and I can confidently say that I have been blessed with an increased knowledge and testimony of the gospel. 

☆ Jesus Christ LIVES.
☆ Real, lasting change, is possible through the Savior's Atonement.
☆ I know who I am as a daughter of God. I know I have eternal potential. 
☆ Through our covenants we have access to the Savior's power! I want to be a covenant maker and keeper. 
☆ Prayer is a conversation. 
☆ Patience! Trusting in the Lord and in His timetable.
☆ Don't stress over things that are out of my control.
☆ Our trials are hand picked for our eternal progression. 
☆ Do everything as a way to show my love for the Lord.
☆ I know the Book of Mormon is true!!
☆ The scriptures fill my soul with an undescribable joy. (2 Nephi 14:15)
☆ The Book of Mormon was written for me! For us! For these latter-days!
☆ It's always a perfect time to share a scripture.
☆ Act on the FIRST PROMPTING, before rationalizing it away.
☆ Fulfilling my baptismal covenant means to minister. 
☆ I'm most happy when I'm loving and helping and thinking of others. 
☆ This is truly the Lord's work and it is the most important work here on the Earth.
☆ He is preparing people for this gospel with "valuable spiritual preparation".
☆ What matters most is what lasts longest.
☆ The difference between a follower and a disciple of Jesus Christ.
☆ The difference between sacrifice and consecration.
☆ Discipleship requires discipline.
☆ How to take life one day at a time, one 30 minute chunk at a time. 
☆ My spirit needs regular temple attendance. 
☆ The Spirit speaks spirit to spirit.
☆ My love for the hymns!!
☆ I learned the language of the Spirit and how He speaks to me personally.
☆ How to recognize His voice.
☆ The Spirit confirms truths to me as I testify. 
☆The power of fasting!!
☆ The importance of counseling with the Lord in ALL of my doings. (Alma 37:37)

The call letter continues, "Our Heavenly Father will reward you for the goodness of your life. Greater blessings and more joy than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His

Now I know why missions are so milagrosa. Serving a mission was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. It is also the most important thing I've ever done in my life. and it is also the happiest I've ever been in my life. I have a personal testimony of the truthfulness of Jesus' words when He said that "whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 16:25) πŸ©·

Mom and Dad and Max are coming to pick me up on Thursday and we are about to eat sooo many pasteis de nata πŸ€€πŸ€€ I'll be back in AZ on December 21st!! And I don't actually know yet when my homecoming talk will be but I want you all to come!! I love you guys!! Thank you for all of the love and support always πŸ˜­ I'm so so grateful πŸ©·

🫢 Sister Menden

- The beach last pday!!
- THEY FINALLY turned on the Christmas lights!! This is the view from our window πŸ˜
- Refood!!
- Exchange with Sister Porter!! I love her and Sister Marriott soo so much πŸ˜­
- Our trip to the temple with Carlos and Edmir!! 
- THE spider. 
- Maria's baptism!! πŸ˜‡
- The ward Christmas party!
- The Sisters of Gaia πŸ©·
- Caroling with the district! 
- Cutie members
