Called to Serve!

On February 2nd, Sydney received her anticipated mission call while attending BYU.
She read it with a few family members and good friends.

Lisbon, Portugal, speaking Portuguese, beginning June 13th!

This is the same mission her dad served in so he was pretty excited.
Sydney will be in the Home MTC for 2 weeks and then enter the Provo MTC for 4 weeks
 before heading to Lisbon.

 Sydney’s good friend and roommate Maddy, on the right, opened her mission call a month later and ALSO received the SAME call to Lisbon!
So exciting for these good friends.

Sydney had a few months to get ready.
She took pictures up in Utah.

She attended the Gilbert, Temple in March with family members 
and her grandparents and great-grandma (who is 101 years old!).

She finished up her freshman year at BYU and said goodbye to her Utah siblings, 
good friends and roommates, and wonderful memories made this year.

She came home to Gilbert and spent lots of time with family.

And she spent lots of time in the temple, preparing her heart and mind.

June 12th.
At last the time came for Sydney to give her farewell talk in Sacrament Meeting and to be set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

President Ogden gave Sydney a beautiful blessing as he set her apart to serve.

Sister Menden is going to bless lives wherever she goes with her light and goodness, 
with her strong faith and desire to serve the Lord 
and with the beautiful message of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
