I love you all! Beijos


This week has been crazy bro. During the week I wrote down what had happened that day so I could remember because it's been a blur for real. Almost halfway done with Provo MTC!!!

Tuesday was insane!! My district decided to have an English fast! lasted 5 hours. so awesome lol. 

I thought because me and Sister Woolley are STL's, that we were just picking up the early arrival sisters for our branch but I was wrong. Because we are the STL's of branch 1, we are picking up the early arrival sister for the entire MTC. So that just means anyone that arrives before Wednesday, so that could be Tuesday, or Monday, or sometimes Saturday. and we do it every week!! So this Tuesday 6 sister came early and they don't know when they are coming. So they just emailed us as soon as they arrive and tell us to drop everything and come pick them up and put their bags away and take them with us. and they came one at a time, so 6 different times on Tuesday we went to the front office to get them. We were in the super long line for food, and a sister came so we left to get her. We sat down at choir with two new sisters and we got an email, so we left them with our district and went to pick up the other one. We came back to choir with that new sister and sat down and ANOTHER sister came so we left again. It was so awkward the whole choir was watching us not being able to make up our mind. It was crazy but we have the hang of it now I hope. It's supposed to be more girls this week so wish us luck. It was really fun to talk to all of them and get to know them!! I hope we can help them have a good experience first getting here. I'm writing this email on the stickiest keyboard in the whole world omg so bear with me. 

Wednesday we were able to go to the Mount Timp. Temple because the Provo temple is closed for cleaning and it was soooo awesome. The whole session was missionaries!!! Except for like the 5 people in the back and for them their session was like 3.5 hours long lol. It was the coolest experience.

I definitely have a unique situation with having lived in Brazil before, so this week was hard but probably not in the way you would think lol. Portuguese has been more frustrating for me this week because I feel like I'm not progressing as much as I had hoped. In class we aren't learning the lessons as much as we are learning survival skills. Which is unfortunate because survival Portuguese is the Portuguese I know best haha. In my personal Portuguese study I have some time to learn more, but I feel like I need 3 more hours in each day to be where I want to be. I almost feel like I'm staying in one place while everyone is just catching up to me. It's been hard with Sister Woolley also, because we are at such different Portuguese levels and have such different needs. It's hard because I want to do more "helping others" to practice, while Sister Woolley would rather have the time to study and things similar. So we're navigating that and I'm trying my best to help her. I know that the Lord has placed me here because He needs me here (and because I didn't take the pre-mission language test lol) and I know that I can love and help Sister Woolley the way the Lord wants me to!!!!

The week was hard, but this weekend has reeaally helped me. Saturday night we did like a 30 minute role play kind of thing during class. Sister Woolley and I were teaching and I shared a scripture and bore my testimony and the Spirit was so strong. I was able to confidently share the scripture, explain the scripture, ask questions, answer their questions, and bear my testimony specifically on the scripture. That may not seem like a lot, but it was honestly a breakthrough for me. If I can do that, I can teach the gospel. I realized that I really have progressed during this time in the MTC - all because of the Lord. In relief society we were reading in PMG and it says that the Lord, "understands and feels our sorrows and rejoices in our progress." He understands how I'm feeling, and not only is He happy that I'm progressing, He's rejoicing!! The Lord is rejoicing in my progress and I can find peace in my studies.

This week I've also found a lot of peace in prayer. I think being in the MTC has given me an environment where I feel comfortable stopping and praying anywhere at anytime lol. And now that I've gotten more comfortable doing that, I don't know how I got along before. I've never really liked the song "Did you think to pray?" I've always thought it was overplayed and bleh, up until this week. I want you guys to read the lyrics and really read them!!

1. Ere you left your room this morning,
      Did you think to pray?
      In the name of Christ, our Savior,
      Did you sue for loving favor
      As a shield today?
      Oh, how praying rests the weary!
      Prayer will change the night to day.
      So, when life gets dark and dreary,
      Don’t forget to pray.
      2. When your heart was filled with anger,
      Did you think to pray?
      Did you plead for grace, my brother,
      That you might forgive another
      Who had crossed your way?

      3. When sore trials came upon you,
      Did you think to pray?
      When your soul was full of sorrow,
      Balm of Gilead did you borrow
      At the gates of day?

I know that praying rests the weary! I know that when your heart is full of anger, or when sore trials come upon you, or at literally any other time, praying to our Heavenly Father will bring you comfort. He is our Father, and wants us to talk to Him!! So badly!! I've spent a lot of time this week learning of God and His character and I can testify to you guys that He knows each of you personally. I can't say that with as much power as I would like to over email lol. There's this quote I heard this week but I'm not sure who it's by and I don't even know if I'll quote it correctly because I can't look it up hahah but it says ish, "We value more that which we discover rather than what we are told." I can tell you guys how I know that God loves each of you, but I know it'll be much more valuable if you pray and ask for His confirming witness that He loves you more than we could ever comprehend. I love you all!!! 

omg also covid's going around and an elder in my district tested positive for covid today so pray for us!!!!! đŸƒđŸƒđŸƒ

❤Sister Menden

1. Sunday afternoon healthy game of never have I ever 
2. My favorite spot to study. The Provo temple looks far cuz of the wide angle but it's so close and it's so pretty. They have automatic soft piano music that plays when you sit down too so pure.
3. Sister Smith leaves this week!!! I love her and I'm so excited for her!!! It's been fun to see her around 🥲
4. BEST SURPRISE EVER!!!!! I cried thanks mal 😘😘
5. Squad
6. BEST BOX EVER!!! I also cried when I opened this I love it so much 
7. Late night chips and dip because they don't feed us enough with the best sisters in the whole wide world I love them so much 💗 
