Portugal!! This weekend!!!!



My week in bullet points:
- I LEAVE FOR PORTUGAL ON THURSDAY!!! Kinda crazy because our last day of classes was on Saturday and so we have noooothing planned all week. Catch me at the field in front of the Provo Temple. đŸ‘€ There are 17 of us supposed to be leaving for Portugal this week, but I think only 9 of us have our visas! So the 9 of us are going together and the rest were re-assigned. Kind of cute we all got together in front of the big map and everyone announced their calls. It was cute but also suuuper hard for a lot of them. 
- My district made a contract to just speak in Portuguese for our last week! That lasted for about 20 minutes.
- Combined, Sister Woolley and I drank 36 glasses of Fresca this week. Not my best work. 
- Sister Sanchez got covid this week so the trio I talked about last week only ended up lasting for a day. Sad day haha. She was quarantined until yesterday and then left for Brazil this morning so that's insane. Such a miracle that Sister Woolley and I didn't get sick. Knock on wood though, I still have a few days left. 
- Number of times I've used hand sanitizer this week: 49
- I used the scale in the gym with a lot of people in there and it triggered my PTSD from when I did the wii fit health test at Biztown in 5th grade and had it tell the whole world I was "overweight." HAHA
- Sister Humble in my district got hurt two weeks ago on Pday when we were playing kickball, and she's been limping ever since. She got an x-ray, and then an MRI, and then she found out she tore her ACL! and has to go home for surgery!! That was the saddest news in the whole world we were all crying. We all fasted for her yesterday. She is so amazing though and has the strongest faith out of all of us, so if anyone could do it, she could. 
- 4 square Elders STILL have hard feelings which is hilarious.
- "Sister Menden is Sister Woolley's emotional punching bag." đŸ˜€đŸ˜€
- I had the most amazing Sacrament Meeting!!!! I've really grown to love my district and Branch Presidency. 

Every time I've thought about going to Portugal this week I've wanted to throw up LOL!!! This week I've found sooo much peace and strength in learning about my ancestors!! And the Pioneers!! If you're still reading after that sentence đŸ’‹ I've loved studying the words of hymns recently so if you're tired of my song references tchau tchau. Come, Come, Ye Saints has given me some muuuch needed perspective this week:

"Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard? Tis not so; all is right. Why should we think to earn a great reward If we now shun the fight? Gird up your loins; fresh courage take. Our God will never us forsake; and soon we'll have this take to tell - All is Well! All is Well!"

I'm so grateful for ancestors who have prepared the way for me to be raised in this Gospel that brings so much peace. President Nelson said, "Can we somehow muster the courage and steadfastness of purpose that characterized the pioneers of a former generation? Can you and I, in actual fact, be pioneers? I know we can be. Oh how the world needs pioneers today!" I look to their examples and faith. I truly have been strengthened by my family on the other side of the veil. The other week, my Mom shared 2 Kings 6:16 with me where it says "They that be with us are more than they that be with them." I firmly believe that my family on the other side of the veil are with me, and are more than any trial or hardship I face. I know heaven is cheering me on, today, tomorrow, and forever, especially as I participate in this great work!! 

I also wanna write about my experience with the Departure Devotional yesterday. Elder Holland (a video of Elder Holland) put me in my place for real HA. So literally on Saturday, I was talking to Sister Humble during one of our breaks during class and we were watching people play sports over on cougar field across the street. I was saying that I can't wait to get back to school and how that'll be so nice. I feel like this week as I've been nervous and scared for Portugal, I've accidentally subconsciously been finding reprieve in daydreaming about life once I get back. Yesterday at the Departure Devotional, we watched a video of Elder Holland speaking at the MTC about two months ago. He spoke so passionately, almost yelling at the pulpit you know. He said that when a missionary says "I can't wait to get back to real life" it's equal to them saying "I don't know what my mission is." đŸ˜śđŸ˜ś He said "your mission IS real life... You don't hope to go out and then come back to normal. You ought to never be normal again." He really helped me remember that I've been looking forward to my mission for forever!!! Why am I wishing it away! "Wake up and do something more than dream of your mansion above! (Being a missionary) is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure. A blessing of duty and love." Mallory gave me this ring that I aaaabsolutely love. On the inside it says "only 548 days" and I need to take advantage of everyday, because it's going to fly by, and I'm gonna miss it.

My new favorite scripture is D&C 31:3 "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation." I'm nervous, but I'm so so ready and excited to get to Portugal. I love this gospel!! đŸ’–đŸ’–

Sister Menden 

1. The 3 Portuguese districts!! We've all gotten really close these past 4 weeks.
2. Squad in my district going to Portugal! Besties
3. Mallory ran a MARATHON this weekend and she did AMAZING!!! and the whole world needs to know!!! 
4. Our favorite teacher so tender 
5. Last ceremonial hacky sack game 
6. Dad made me personalized conjugation cards đŸĽ˛đŸ˜
7. đŸ˜­
8. Dropping sister sanchez off at quarantine lol
9. I love Utah 
