Fat and SO HAPPY

 I want to remember this week forever. Haha so dramatic but also I'm not kidding!!!!!!!!

In the past weeks, we've been praying so hard and fasting for our friends and to find more friends, and this week WE HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED. I've never seen more miracles in my life. 

Here is how our week went!!!

- Pday! We went to Sintra! And toured the castle Quinta da Regaleira!!! Sooo cool.
 And so pretty. I'm so blessed to be in literal Portugal rn. 
- Sister Cornell and I are a dangerous combo because our love for soda and pasteis and peanut butter are leaving us broke and fat. But also happy ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

- Celebrated Sister Cornell's 7 months!!! We went to the cutest American 50s diner!!! And bought wayyyy overpriced desserts lol. 

- Conselho do distrito! 
- We started exchanged after district council! And guys omg we were shocked to find out that for the division, I wasn't going with the STL, I was going with her greenie to their area, Povoa. ☠️ I prayed so hard for the gift of tongues you better believe. The exchange actually was so awesome for me!!! Turns out, I can speak Portuguese!! Surprise! Sister Sutton, the other greenie, can speak well but she doesn't understand aaanything people say. I'm surprised at how not terribly hard it was to have to carry convos and contacts and phone calls and things. 
- I cannot emphasize enough how amazing what I'm about to say is. I'm convinced division days are literal miracle days. The mission goal is to find 7 new people every week. In Sister Sutton's area we found 4 new people!! And in our area, Sister Cornell and Sister Hyde found 9!!!!! In just one day!!! Not even one day, one half of a day. Can you believe!!!!! That alone blows my mind. 
- SÃO!!! I'm gonna cry happy tears writing this I'm so happy. We planned a lesson with São for Wednesday, before knowing it was a division. I was a little bummed to find out I'd be missing her lesson, but I think it really was perfect and definitely all part of Heavenly Father's plan. It was Sister Hydes idea to do the baptismal interview questions and I think it was just perfect for São. If you remember, São likes to open up and read randomly. And I swear she always opens up to a literal bomb chapter. Not a coincidence for sure. I'm scared one days she's going to run out lol. But Sister Cornell told me that this week the random scripture she opened up to was Alma 7:14-15, where it says, "show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him THIS DAY by going into the waters of baptism." Bro. Can you believe!!! She's getting baptized on the 8th and she's so determined it's going to be the happiest day ever. 

- I forgot my running shoes, but me and Sister Sutton wanted to run to this fig tree lol, so I ran in my Tevas.
- We finished our division!
- We had a member meal for lunch and that was so awesome because we just never have those. A miracle tbh. 
- First phone call/lesson with this guy from Bangladesh went a little something like this "I don't accept sorry from pretty girls." "I can't understand you over the phone it would be much better to meet in person and kiss." "I just want you, I can't explain it." 
- Member dinner!! First time on the mission having 2 member meals in one week let alone the same day. Bless.

- We ate a frozen pizza from continent and that was a big mistake. 
- Ok I've been wanting to talk to the security guard for our building for awhile and we finally did on Friday!!! We made him some cookies and brought them to him and apparently he was taught a couple years ago. He remembered literally everything about Joseph Smith and the first vision! He scheduled a tjme to talk again, and we walked away just so happy. We got in the elevator to go back up to our apartment, and we could just not stop smiling. 
- We had some sisters stay the night with us because they were going to the temple the next day and they didn't get in until 1130 which actually ended up killing me on Saturday I was so tired haha. 

- Sunday and church were just SO GOOD. Ugh it was just so happy. I think the ward has been kind of stinky the past while because everyone's just been gone for the summer. I didn't realize this until this Sunday tho. Everyone was so welcoming and talking to São it was so perfect. 
- Mimi goes back to China this week, so during relief society, she spoke for a little bit saying bye. She spoke in Chinese, and the ward member translated to Portuguese. Mimi said a lot of thank yous and I love yous, but she also said that we need to make sure we tell and invite everyone to church. I looked over to Sister Cornell and we both just had our mouth hanging open in awe, sooo cool. 
- With our new friends count being insane this week, we were extra determined to hit all of out goals for the week. Sunday night we were able to get lessons in with some less actives, and not only were we able to hit all of the mission goals, but also all of our goals!!!!! Such a good rewarding feeling.

This week has been amazing and I've really been trying to take advantage of it because weeks like this one don't come around too often. Every time I've seen a miracle this week, this scripture has come to mind: "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (D&C 123:13) I really am so blessed to be apart of this great work and to see how His arm is revealed. This next week is already so full with lessons and zone conference on Friday and general conference this weekend, I know it's going to be a good one!! 

I love you all!! Message me!! Or else!!! 

🥰🥰❤️❤️ Sister Menden

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