I'm losing my dimples

 Hi squad!

- Sister Barcellos announced a cleaning day this week why am I actually excited. 
- "If people leave their gross stinky garments behind for someone else to take care of, they're going to outer darkness." Sis Cornell

- Rain!!!! I love the rain!!!!! 
-3 months as a missionary today!!!! 
-Mental health zoom with the squad. 
- Mimi is going back to China! She said that out of the 10 missionaries that have taught her (ikr) she only liked 3 including me. πŸ₯° lol

- SEF this morning for Sister Cornell's residency.
- I didnt realize until recently literally how blessed I am to have a Padaria Portugeusa only a 5 minutes walk from our apartment. Im gonna miss it so much when I'm in other areas πŸ€€ 
- Whenever I hear Harry's album playing somehwere πŸ₯²
- I literally cant spell anything anymore. I've never really been good at spelling but now Im absolutely terrible in both english and portuguese. Learning portuguese is throwing me for a loop bro.

- Dia de Limpeza!!
- Supposed to be from 9-12 but we started at 8 and still didn't do all we wanted!! 
- It's all fun and games until you ACTUALLY find a bag of old dirty (some of them incredibly dirty if you know what I mean) garments. Blessed Sister Barcellos said she would take care of them πŸ˜­πŸ™
- Had a lesson with Caio!! And it was such a fun lesson!! He was so interested and asking questions and involved and agreed to go to church!! Of course now it's Monday and he actually didn't end up coming to church so that's sad but I'm still praying for that man. 
- Ran to catch the metro and the doors closed on me

- We can't seem to find anyone this week!!!! No one wants to talk to us!!!!
- A bird pooped on on Sister Cornell 

- I'm so ready for it not to be hot anymore! πŸ˜€
- Our ward mission leader put together an activity with some members and recent converts and for our friends which was so awesome of him!! But!! I'm so sad because none of our friends could go!! And it would've been so good for them so that's stinky. 

- SΓ£o came to church!! She is the sweetest lady. She is loving church, she was meeting everyone, hugging everyone. We had a lesson after church with a member, so she stayed for pretty much 3 hours of church! Truly amazing. She told us she has received an answer confirming she needs to be baptized!! BUT!! She still is saying that she needs to learn more! She said she has receivedπŸ˜€ an answer about baptism through the scriptures, through prayer, she even had a dream!!!! But she's still hesitant!!! So Oct 1 I don't think will happen especially with conference, but I'm praying so hard for the next weekend. This girl is so ready for baptism! Also I'm sooo so grateful for members in lessons. Oh my gosh they help so much especially with things that are lost in the language barrier. 

This week has been a little hard because we feel like we're not seeing results from our work. We are working so hard yet we only have a few friends progressing and no one seems to want to talk to us πŸ₯². One thing Elder Soares said last week is that as a missionary, a million people can reject you, and you can receive no results, but you can still go to bed at night with a smile on your face because you tried your hardest. I am trying my hardest!!! But it's hard for me to feel like my hardest is enough when we can have days after days of evil Portuguese people getting mad at us. HAHA. I love this quote from Elder Uchtdorf, "Your loving Father in Heaven knows your heart. He knows that you can’t do everything your heart wants you to do. But you can love and serve God. You can do your best to keep His commandments. You can love and serve His children. And your efforts are purifying your heart and preparing you for a glorious future." Heavenly Father knows my heart, and I know He is happy with my efforts and I know blessings will come! Em breve I hopeπŸ€žπŸ™πŸ€πŸΌ lol. I know I need weeks like these because it'll just make me appreciate other weeks even more! Also, I'm saying this week was mediumly hard but I know probably every other area will be more difficult than this one so I need to count my blessings hahah. 

I love you all!! I love it here in Portugal!!! 

❤️ Sister Menden

1. The mish and Elder Soares! I'm on the far right in the green dress right next to Sister Cornell and Sister Cordner.
2. A sneaky pic from the musical number. Please appreciate how close we are to him.
3. Padaria Portugeusa! I will not stop sending pics of the same foods to you guys because it's just so good and only 1 euro each guys! 1 euro!!!
4. Carlos doesn't know what he's missing πŸ˜€
5. Pretty also kinda creepy murals 
6. The coolest little brother in the whole wide world everyone look
7. Don't zoom in on my toes or else. But sometimes (ok a lot of the times) my studies are the highlight of my day and here's what that looks like πŸ˜ (Also apparently my apartment rn is the second nicest apartment in the whole mission which is awesome for me but also not awesome because it's only downhill from here.)
8 -10. The temple πŸ˜ Sister Cornell πŸ˜
11. The cutest little purple house! The owner told us "give your card to someone who will actually use it." πŸƒ‍♀️
