BIRTHDAY EVE!!!!!!!!!!

 Hello from Tejo!!!

I stayed!!! And I am literally so excited for this transfer with Sister Cornell πŸ˜€ We were so sure that I was leaving, but after transfers this week the Sister AP's (ya we have those here!! Lol) told us that President was so sure in his decision to keep us together for another transfer. They told us he is impressed by all the work we've been getting done. πŸ₯²πŸ€ 

MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!! I love birthdays!! It's gonna be such a good birthday!!! I turn 20!!! I'm so old!!!! I'm blessed with the best mom in the whole world who somehow has found ways to get some birthday presents to me. πŸ˜­ and Sister cordner left me a present😭 and that member I mentioned in an earlier email that doesnt have much but always gives us so much, when she found out it was my birthday she invited us over and is making us cake!!! So blessed. And I'm so lucky I get to celebrate with Sis Cornell for real. Its gonna be awesome. This transfer we get go celebrate both of our birthdays as well as Thanksgiving! Sooo fun. 

Here's a little run down of our week since last wednesday: 
- We went to the temple!!! I love it there so much. Both times I've gone to the Lisbon temple now, the very first thing said in the prayer has been to bless and protect our missionaries. Tears were shed. Elder Holland said that he believes that even more than our prophet, the missionaries are the most prayed for people on the earth. And I believe it. 
- We went to the American store and bought mountain dew and bro I missed it so much. Not only do I miss Swig, I miss having a whole 44oz of soda at my disposal. If I walked around here with a 44oz soda in my hand, I would look absolutely insane and only add to the American stereotype.
- SISTER CORDNER CAME TO PLAY!! Best birthday present ever!!! 
- We were able to open transfer news all together!!! 

- 4 MONTHS AS A MISSIONARY! I cannot believe. 
- We had a lesson with our security guard and it went so not according to what we had planned and it was so awesome. It was cool because he voiced some of his concerns and things he didn't quite agree with in the Catholic church and we were able to answer all of them either with the Book of Mormon or with revelation we have recieved through the restoration of the Church. 
- We talked to this cute mom (in English) on the street who is here with her 3 year old little boy and they are from Ukraine. Her husband is not allowed to leave Ukraine so they are just here for the time being without him. She was tearing up as I was testifying of God's love for her and how He is intimately aware of her situation. Me and Sister Cornell are always talking about how crazy missions are. Like is this actually real? Am I really calling every number in the whole world asking if they want to learn more about Jesus Christ? Am I actually just standing on the street testifying of God and His love to this person I just met? Talking to this mom from Ukraine on the side of the road in Olaias Lisboa Portugal was definitely one of those kind of moments. How lucky am I??
- Luckily for me Sister Cordner as well as Sister Woolley stayed the night this night too!! So we all celebrated hitting 4 months together and got dinner!!!! Can we just all appreciate me and Sister Cordners life story really fast? Met in Brazil, roomed together at byu, now we're here??? Together??? Gonna be comps em breve??? 

- Sister Cordner and I made banana pancakes πŸ₯²
- Transfers! Of course because me and sis cornell both stayed this didn't mean much other than I officially have finished my training!!! Which is absolutely insane to me. I'm hitting all the milestones. Finished the mtc, finished training, now, time to go home! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ 
- Ok but also finishing training kind of is stinky because we go from 1 hour of comp study to just 30 minutes and also!! My 1 hour of language study gets cut to a half hour which Im soooo sad about. I wanna study Portuguese for like 3 hours everyday not just 30 minutes. 

- We taught a new friend in English, and I swear teaching in English is so weird and not natural. 
- This day was sooo so long. I really don't know why, nothing really was super different than normal. No one really ever talks about the days on the mission that just kinda suck lol so here is me normalizing it. The type of day where it's hard and so exhausting to put on a happy smiley face in all of our lessons and where tears are at the brim for no reason at all. There have only been a few days on the mish where I've been counting down the minutes until the end of the day, and this one was for sure one of them. 
- Some of the new elders and sisters this transfer ended up getting here way later than planned after lots of cancelled and broken flights lol. One sister needed to stay with us and we waited up for her to get here and she didnt get here until about 1am. Sister Barcellos gave us permission to still sleep a full 8 hours and waking up when the alarm clock said 9am πŸ™πŸ™ 

- I don't know if I have voiced this before, but our ward is not the most awesome ward in the whole world. And many people have talked with us about how the ward is not unified and they never have any activities and they don't feed us etc lol. But I think the biggest W from Sunday was that we walked away from church with two member meals and a family night planned!! We've been trying to really serve the ward and put in the time with members to strengthen relationships, and while it's a little chato, I think we're starting to see the results. 
- SΓ£o got her temple recommend!!! How could I forget!!! So blessed that I'm staying here another transfer and now get to go with her to do baptisms. Happy day!!

I can't stop thinking about something Mallory told me like 5 weeks ago. She was talking about how she can't wait to be companions with me in the Spirit World and I just πŸ€― Isn't that the coolest thing ever?? The skills and habits I'm learning right now on my mission will be some of the most important things Ill take with me after this life. I'm so grateful for this time on the mish! I'm so excited to be comps with all of my siblings and parents in the Spirit World! 

Ok that's all!!!

Everyone make sure you only think about me tomorrow and nothing else for my birthday!!! 

❤️❤️ Sister Menden 

1. Aula de inglΓͺs 
2. 4 months!! πŸ₯³
3. Daily planning
4. Personal study πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
5. Transfers!
6. POV you're a devout catholic with ns Fatima on your wall 

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