Hi fam!

- On pday we went to Belem!!! And it was the coolest thing ever. So many historic monuments so close to each other. And also the famous Pasteis de Belem. I was able to recreate pics my dad took when he was on his mission. 🥲🥲🥲 I sent some down below but look at my Facebook for the rest!!
- I had a goal to do 50 push-ups everyday this. Big mistake. 
- This week our mission had a focus on gratitude and it was so cool!!! Our goals were to post every day what we're grateful for as well as in every prayer, it had to be 80% gratitude and 20% everything else. My prayers really were transformed. Being grateful for everything, really changed my perspective on missionary work. 
- On Thursday we did an English fast, and it was all going nice and dandy until like the millionth person could not understand me staying that we are from the estados unidos!!! Bro!!! It shouldn't be that hard to say it and I swear I'm saying it right but no one can ever understand me!!!! Close to tears not gonna lie to you. I love being humbled. 😀😀😀
- We only usually have about one member meal every week from the same family. The mom of this family told us that she was telling other ladies in the relief society to feed us and someones said, "What, they don't have kitchens?" LOL But there is this one member, who is always willing to give us all she has. We come over and she offers us everything and sends us home with bags of leftover food and cereal and things. And this week were using the church computer and there were some documents pulled up. And one document was a receipt of the money given to this Sister from fast offerings. We were so shocked. We didn't know her circumstances, and yet out of all the people in our ward who are better off than she is, she is one of the only ones willing to feed us and look after us. Reminds me of the story of widow's mite. Me and Sister Cornell both learned a valuable lesson from this Sister. 
- We had zone conference!! It was so good!!! I am literally in love with Sister Barcellos. She is the most amazing person in the whole world she is so in tune with the Spirit and has the most amazing stories. I want to move in to the mission home. 
- I had an interview with President and ugh it also was so good!! But also, the interview went a little bit TOO good. Transfers are coming up! but I want to stay with Sister Cornell!!! 🫂
- General conference felt like Christmas. Best weekend ever tbh. With the time difference, the first session started at 5pm and the second session started at 9pm. We watched the first session at the chapel and then the second session we had to watch from home which was soooo fun. 
- São watched every single session of conference this weekend!! 🤯🤯 Guys she is perfect. I love her so much. She even watched the Saturday night session just later on Sunday. I'm so amazed by her. It was so cool to listen to the talks and try to imagine what it's like from her perspective. She leaned over to Sister Cornell during one of the talks and said "This is for me." My heart just melted. 
- São's baptism is this Saturday!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! More to come on this for sure. Yay!!!!!

This week I've been thinking a lot about our covenants we make with God, and I thought I'd share some of my thoughts and studies. It was sooo amazing because my mom sent me President Nelsons article in the liahona this week and studying it was perfect because a couple speakers at conference quoted it. Last Sunday in relief society we read these scriptures in D&C 25 and they've stuck with me! "And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better... Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made." It kind of hit me this week, the covenants I have made with God are literally so amazing!!! Whether that be my baptismal covenant, my temple covenants, or renewing my baptismal covenants during the sacrament. I literally can't comprehend what a blessing they are. They are so special to me. My covenants are not things of this world - but of a better. I need to "cleave" to them!! It is becoming more and more normal to be so casual our covenants and how we honor them. But really, how can we be so casual with something so amazing and sacred?

President Nelson said yesterday, "My plea to you this morning is to find rest from the intensity, uncertainty and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God. … Cherish and honor your covenants above all other commitments." There is so much power in my covenants! I have access to sooo many blessings as long as I continually place my covenants above everything else. This is another quote from the liahona article that I love:

"Once you and I have made a covenant with God, our relationship with Him becomes much closer than before our covenant. Now we are bound together. Because of our covenant with God, He will never tire in His efforts to help us, and we will never exhaust His merciful patience with us. Each of us has a special place in God’s heart. He has high hopes for us." 

He will never tire in His efforts to help us!! What a powerful and special promise 🥲 I love you all!! Send me your favorite talks and quotes from conference!!!

❤️ Sister Menden

1&2 me and dad in belem ❤️ look at my Facebook to see more pics!!
3. The only way we can learn about futebol 😪
4. Our first English class! Turns out I don't know portuguese or English! 
5. Sister Woolley 😘
6. Conference!!!
7. São made this bag for me 😭😭 are we kidding???
8&9. Conference from home! Everyone please appreciate Sister Cornells teva tan lines and the bomb bolachas pudding we ate. 

Post on Facebook:

Sou muito grata pela oportunidade de servir uma missão!!! E também, servir onde meu pai serviu quase 30 anos atrás!! Que benção que podemos compartilhar esta experiência. É incrível ver como a obra do Senhor está a progredir. Sei que obra missionária não é um sacrificio, mas um privilégio!!! Elder Ballard disse que, "Não há maior alegria na vida do que estarmos avidamente engajados no serviço do Senhor." Sei que isso é verdade! ❤️❤️ #sergrato
