
This week was so good!!! Missions are so cool!!! Literally 100% of our time is dedicated to those around us and that is just so cool to me. 

Thursday last week was super awesome!!! but also not super awesome at the same time hahah. Funny how that works. I woke up and started feeling pretty sick. My stomach was not having it and I quase threw up wayyy too many times for comfort. Later in the day Sister Cornell went to make some toast and she took out the bread and guys it was so moldy. I'm not kidding, some of the slices of bread were so moldy they wouldn't even separate from each other. I had eaten that bread the day before somehow so that was so awesome. I literally do not know how I ate it unknowingly so moldy. It tasted so good I swear lol. But even with moldy bread marinating in my stomach at the end of the day we were high on life. That day we had two lessons with two of our most progressing friends which funnily enough is our security guard, and our neighbors. And the lessons went sooo well!! Literally a miracle that they did. Especially the lesson with our neighbors. I felt soo sick walking up to their door but as soon as we walked in I felt perfectly fine. I want to document these lessons because contrary to popular belief (especially my beliefs before the mish) not every lesson goes super amazingly well and is a testimony defining kind of thing. I come out of a lot of lessons feeling like, wow I was so unprepared or wow I forgot every ounce of portuguese that I know conveniently just for those 30 minutes. But these lessons ran super smoothly, the Spirit was there, helping me feel confident in my Portuguese, Sister Cornell and I worked super well together, they were interested and asking questions, accepting invites, it was awesome. 

Unlike Thursday, Friday allll of our lessons fell through!! So we hit the rua for 4 hours!! We did find 4 people, but now currently all of them are either grey dots or are currently on their way to being one!! 😀😀😀

SATURDAY!! The highlight of my life. We had São's baptism!!! She is an angel. My first baptism as well as my first baptism that I've seen and taught from start to finish. So cool!!! What a blessing!!! I'm gonna write out her story again so that everyone can remember and appreciate it hahah. Last transfer me and Sister Taylor stopped this lady on the sidewalk and forced her to talk to us lol. She was not interested. She took a Book of Mormon but wouldn't give her number to us so we said tchau and didn't think much of the contact. And then 2 weeks later we get a call and it's her!! She said she's been reading our book!! An actual miracle in the purest form. And literally ever since then she's been perfect. I've literally been spoiled and I'm scared I'll never find anyone so ready for the gospel. Her testimony is so strong and it has been a blessing to see her countenance - literally visibly-  change as she's come closer to the Savior. She's helped me!!! come closer to the Savior. One thing specifically that I've learned a lot about with São is really just how powerful the Book of Mormon is. I don't know if I've ever used the word powerful to describe the Book of Mormon before. A specific verse, yes, but the whole book, I don't think so. But know I'm beginning to learn. The Book of Mormon testifies so strongly of the truth and I was able to watch with my own two little eyes how these truths truly changed the course of her life. Each lesson we had with her the power of the Book of Mormon became more and more apparent as she recounted her special first spiritual experiences reading its contents. Guys!!! Being a missionary is so cool!!!! 

At the baptism I played the piano and the opening hymn was Baptism from the children's songbook and I have never played a song worse. I am sometimes dramatic but I'm not being dramatic now it was so embarrassing LOL!!! We had a little program, a member backed out last minute so Sister Cornell gave a bomb discurso, 😘 and it went well! The font in our chapel is probably the worst constructed font (but we are still very grateful we have one don't get me wrong) so the water only comes up to like their knees. So it was just a liiiittle awkward haha. São and the member baptizing her ended up on their knees in the water and it was a little bit funny but also the happiest moment ever. Afterwards São said' "Thank you meninas thank you meninas. I feel so much lighter." 🥲 Later that night São sent us the sweetest text message calling us her family. So precious I'll never forget it. 

On Sunday, we never have this problem so this is crazy, we accidentally scheduled two break the fast meals. Everyone fasts here for Saturday dinner and breakfast on Sunday that way you can have a big lunch. Our first meal was with a new Brazilian family in our ward and I freaking love Brazilians and their food HAHA. I'm really only able to truly appreciate them because I'm serving here and not Brazil. And then our second meal was literally insane get this. The meal was planned to be with a member and her son who we are currently teaching. We got there and it was just the member so we were a little bummed. But the member invited São (who is now a member!!), and then the members less active daughter joined us, and the less actives friend, and then the son who we originally planned on teaching showed up!! So for our lesson we taught literally every type of person there could possibly be in area book. A member, a recent convert, a less active, an investigator, and a new prospect investigator. A miracle. 

Pday was moved to today because we are going to the temple! I am so excited. Also!!! Today we receive news for transfers!! And transfers are on Friday!!! I cannot believe how fast this transfer went. Transfers are kinda crazy if you think about it. Just every 6 weeks you have no idea what's going to happen, where you are going, and who you'll be with. The other day, Sister Cornell compared our missions to the Hunger Games or more specifically the quarter quell. I literally almost peed my pants laughing such an awesome analogy. We're in the arena for 18 months and every 6 weeks for transfers the cornucopia spins and we have no idea where we'll end up or who our allies will be. Now I just gotta find my Peeta 😘 

Being in Tejo is a blessing because Sister Cordner babe is sleeping over tonight!! Her comp is finishing her mission so they're here for the day before transfers. What a blessing man. We get to receive transfer news together 😭🥰

I love you all!!
Sister Menden 

1. We made a goal to run everyday this week. We ended up running only 3 days and one of those days we ran to a Pastelaria LOL
2. Rua 👭
3&4. São 🤗
5. Sister Menden and Sister Cornell 5ever
6. Mission devotional ft Sister cordner
7. Transfer predictions: I'm going to the islands and Sister Cornell is getting a new greenie. 👀
