Não dor, não há ganho 😤

Hi guys!!!

We got transfer news last night, and transfers are tomorrow! AND!!!! Me and Sister Adib are both staying here but they are splitting the area and we're getting new comps!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!! We have been so busy like insane here. I just always felt like we didn't have enough time to give all of our tons of friends the attention they need. And so this is an answer to prayer. Aveiro is so blessed. So me and my new comp Sister Smith will be opening the new area!! Sister Smith is a transfer or two younger than me I think. She just finished her training on the islands na verdade so that's insane. Me and Sister Adib are so excited to have 4 sisters in the apartment! It's been on my mission bucket list to live in an apartment with more than just one dupla!!! It's gonna be so awesome. It's also going to be a little toughy because I want to start the transfer and hit the ground running buuut it's going to take a hot sec for us to get the new area book and to get another sim card for the new area. So for this next week at least we're gonna have to plan and schedule and work and contact people somehow without the means of doing so lol. I'm excited!!! 

This also means that my Portuguese is gonna have to step it up a notch lol!!!! There are times in lessons, where I'll be explaining things and teaching, and while I'm speaking, in the back of my mind I literally think, woah, how am I doing this right now? The gift of tongues is real- the Spirit is helping me so hard.

Not gonna lie this week was a little uneventful but good.

This week in a nutshell:
- We got new key indicators this week! They added recent converts at church and members helping in lessons! 
- Someone said to me on the phone, " You speak bad Portuguese." 😀
- A convo on the street went like this:
Sister Adib: Do you have a few minutes to talk with us?
Old Evil Lady: But I speak Portuguese.
Sister Adib: I do too. 
Old Evil Lady: But I can't understand anything you're saying. It's not worth talking to us. 😀😀 
- At a member meal we ate seafood and rice and she showed us the container she bought of the seafood from the store but amazingly, somehow, the seafood had literal sand in it.
- Me and Sister Collins found Jose last week on our division. We found him playing basketball with his son. We got talking and ended up giving him a Plan of Salvation pamphet. We are messaging him the next day, and found out that his wife's mom had passed away that night. Not a coincidence that we gave him a folheto on the Plan of Salvation that same day!!! God's in the details!!
- I can't catch a break you guys!!! Not only is there Bolo Rei, but this week I was introduced to Bolo Rainha!! Ok the queens cake isn't as bad as the kings cake, but it took all of my will power to hide me actually gagging on this thing. Oh it was so gross. What's that one guys name that always wins the hotdog eating competition? Jimmy Chestnut ou algo? Well I was literally channeling my inner Mr. Chestnut as I was eating this piece of cake that never ended. I wasn't able to dip it in water first, but after every baby bite I took, you know I was chugging that water.
- A man found ME on facebook!! He lives in Aveiro, and added ME and messaged ME saying he needs more guidence in his life. 

Rafael is someone we've been teaching this transfer and it is crazy how much I've seen him grow and change. He has a baby with his girlfriend who is actually a less active member and he has a smoking problem so we're in it for the long-haul, but his desire to learn is so inspiring. He believes in God and Jesus Christ and he loves the Book of Mormon, but he doesn't understand the need we have to pray and to go to church. It's been cool for me to dedicate my studies to him and learn more in depth simple gospel doctrines and principles like prayer so I can better help him understand how important it is. 

Gean is still on date for baptism on the 21st and is going strong!!!! Pray for him 🙏

Something I've learned is that it's very hard to see your own progress. Coming on the mission, you expect to see this huge change in yourself and you expect it fast, but in reality that's not the case. Coming up on 7 months now ☠️ Sometimes I feel like I've accomplished like nothing. But then this week Aunt Laurie sent me this quote by Sister Eubank that has stuck with me ever since!! "I testify you are beloved. The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. He sees all your hidden sacrifices and counts them to your good and the good of those you love. Your work is not in vain. You are not alone. His very name, Emmanuel, means “God with us.” He is surely with you." You're making progress!!! God is with you!! 

I love being a missionary ❤️

I love you guys ❤️ 
Sister Menden

1-3. Viseu for district council!
4. English class 🥰
5. Sister Adib and the natural gas detector ☠️☠️
6. If i leave Aveiro 800lbs its because of this brasilian restaurant 
7. A member meal with the cutest brasilian family 
8. Us and our tripas 🤤
And also a video of what we sound like to people here on the street this video made me pee my pants so I am indeed including a link 


