Aveiro AbenΓ§oado πŸ₯°πŸ₯°



Transfers are tomorrow and I'M STAYING IN AVEIRO!!! With Sister Smith!!! Bless up. πŸ™πŸ™ I am actually super excited to stay!! I had a feeling deep down that I would stay here with Sister Smith. I just feel like I have more I need to learn here and from her! Not gonna lie, as soon as I opened the transfer news I was overwhelmed with relief that I don't have to pack up my suitcases lolsies. This transfer I also hit 9 months which means that I'll have spent half of my mission in 2 areas which is normal but also just insane to me!! The Aveiro house is staying mostly the same except Sister Adib is leaving and I'm actually going to cry when she leaves. I am going to miss her so much. 

Unlike last week, this week was pretty uneventful lol!!

On Valentine's day we opened the cutie gifts mom sent us and then for lunch we went to this pink bakery we've been dying to go to do 2 transfers!! It was so cute.

It has been sooo fun to have so many more member meals. But it has also been sooo not fun to be literally humongous. And one of the mom's at a lunch this week told us that she had heard that we don't eat a lot!! Bro!! 3 servings apparently is not enough. They are gonna have to roll me onto that airplane at the end of my mission. 

This week a member told me that I look like I would be a big anime fan and then went on saying how he super does not watch anime πŸ§

On Wednesday, the elders in our district came out to Aveiro for district council and afterward, we did some whiteboard finding!! President has been encouraging us to do it and it was so fun! Fun to do something different lol. We set up a whiteboard with the question "What makes you happy?" And we spent about an hour asking people to add their answers and talking to people! We found 6 new friends!! and it was cool, because we handed out more pamphlets and cards and things than we normally would just by doing street contacts. 

Had 2 videocall lessons this week where both guys answered shirtless drinking beer πŸ˜€ Facebook works πŸ˜€

Ok jk because our bestie Vitor, our miracle man we found on facebook is still on date for baptism and is going so strong πŸ˜­ He's been super busy this week and we haven't been able to meet much which is stinky but I'm not even worried. I want to make a collage of all the super pure messages he sends us. "Thank you so much for helping me find the truth." "I'm going to do everything I can to know the church better." ❤️‍πŸ”₯

On Friday the whooole mission did this thing called "Sexta de Siao" or "Friday of Zion" pretty much. And the whole mission took about 4 hours out of the afternoon to do tons of tasks focused on facebook (4 hours!!). Sister Barcellos has been leading out this facebook kick and to start the day, we all joined a zoom and Sister Barcellos offered a prayer. and you guys. That prayer was one of the most powerful prayers (if not the most powerful prayer) I have ever heard. She prayed with so much love for the Savior, for this work, for us, she was in tears, I was in tears. It was so sincere, so heartfelt, asking for our safety, and for us to be guided. I imagine she prays like that every single day for us and for her family and it helped me see just how protected and loved we are as missionaries. 

Saturday was Sister Nielson's 20th birthday!!!!! You better believe we celebrated so hard. But not during the Lord's time ✋️ We had birthday pancakes and I did her birthday nails and then we had birthday acai and birthday ice cream that mom uber eatsed us πŸ˜­ The whole transfer we've been talking about having a sleepover. So even though we already all sleep within feet of each other in the same room, we moved all our mattresses to the ground so we could have a real sleepover. It was so fun I'm gonna miss it so much. 

Our good friend Gilson! Who was supposed to be baptized on Saturday! Is currenting ghosting us! πŸ˜­ We had a lesson and moved his baptismal date this week and ever since then nada. Highkey sad about it. Pray for him guys. 

Our friend Venkatesh is going to be baptized this Saturday!! I am literally so excited. and I'm so happy that I'm going to be here for it!! He is the one reference we received from France and we literally have done nothing. He is just perfect and is so excited to be baptized. Venkatesh is 30 and is from India and only speaks English but literally the whole ward has come up to us telling us how much they love him. He goes around shaking everyone's hands, trying hard to communicate with them, it's just so tender. He's going to be baptized in a members pool and the four of us sisters will be going to her house for 5 hours this week to clean πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

This week I've been thinking a lot about this next transfer and the goals and things I want to do. I'm scared that I'm not progressing in the way and with the speed that I should be. My STL recommended this talk to me and now I think it might be one of my favorites!! So everyone go read!!

What Lack I Yet?

"As we travel along that strait and narrow path, the Spirit continually challenges us to be better and to climb higher. The Holy Ghost makes an ideal traveling companion. If we are humble and teachable, He will take us by the hand and lead us home."

"If spiritual growth is not a priority in our lives, if we are not on a course of steady improvement, we will miss out on the important experiences that God wants to give us."

"To Him, our direction is ever more important than our speed."

This week after I read this talk, I prayed, asking the Lord "What lack I yet? What is keeping me from progressing? What do I need to change?" And the answer I received was so strong and so clear to me. It was amazing for me to see how willing and eager the Lord is to help us and give us guidance. I was reading my scriptures this morning and I came across this verse and it confirmed to me that "the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls." (Jacob 4:13)

I'm so excited for this next transfer and the challenges I'm going to face and the things I'm going to learn!

Love Sister Menden
