
Bom dia pessoal mais uma segunda-feira

except not actually because today!!! I hit 9 MONTHS on the mission!!! I can't believe it. also I can believe it. The craziest part though, is knowing I ONLY have 9 months left! That's literally nothing! I literally shed an actual tear everytime I think about ending my mission and taking my tag off for the last time. 

Here are some of the highlights from the week!!

On Monday we had zone pday in Coimbra and I played soccer for literal hours and it was sooo fun and I have never been mooore sore. 

FREAKING DANILO! THIS MAN! We had a lesson on Tuesday with him and some member friends, and this lesson, fogo. We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and Danilo bore the strongest testimony I have ever heard. I was crying like a baby. We invited him to be baptized and it was the easiest yes I have ever heard. And I'm telling you he will be baptized on dia 25 of this month no doubt about it. He is so prepared!!! I never want to forget how I felt during this lesson. How I feel here on the mission. I went into this lesson with a heavy heart, some things weighing on my mind. And in this lesson, the best way I can describe it, is saying that I felt so light, relieved of my worries. Because of the enabling power of the Savior's atonement, this gospel isn't burdensome, but freeing. We taught Danilo the word of wisdom this week and I was just so amazed. He doesn't have any big addictions, but he liked to drink tea. Once he learned that he needs to stop, without any sort of hesitation, he said "okay no problem, I'll stop right away. I'll do whatever the Lord asks of me." 

Was sitting in a lesson and was just beaming at Sister Smith as she was teaching just was so happy because she's grown and progressed so much đŸ„Č

I had a division with my STL! I went to Coimbra with Sister Shoell and it was sooo good. It was my first division out of my own area in 3 transfers and it was hard to leave but also kind of nice. A breakizinho. It was so good talking with her and getting advice and learning from her ❤️

At the end of our division, me and Sister Smith were heading back to Aveiro and it was the looongest morning ever because there has been a super annoying strike of the train workers so there's only like 2 trains that go everyday. Aaanyways we were at the train station and we had gotten up early and just found out our train actually wasn't for another 2 hours, and all we wanted was a coca-cola zero from the vending machine. We went to 3 vending machines, nothing took bills, only coins. We were standing there, defeated and this cutie older lady walks by. Instead of saying "Oh maybe she wants to learn about the gospel, let's go talk to her," I definitely said "Sister I am going to go ask her if she can trade our 5 euro bill for coins." So we went and talked to her! And she gave us coins! And she apparently used to always have the missionaries over when she was 18 years old! and she's very lonely and sad! and is really excited to read the Book of Mormon! and we bought our coca-cola zero! and now the Elders in Figueira da Foz have a cutie new friend đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°

Me and Sister Adib found this really sweet lady doing street contacts now almost 2 transfers ago. I remember that on the street we shared Alma 31:38 with her and that she started to cry. She was soooo busy and never was able to meet, but we kept in pretty good contact because she was so tender. And then this week! We received an online reference from this same lady saying she wants to learn more about the plan of salvation! We are yet to meet with her, but I share this story anyways because I think it's very cool to see how the seeds we plant in peoples hearts about the gospel, makes a difference! We as in missionaries, but also we as in members of the church. 

I just continue to be amazed at Danilo and Christina and all of our friends and the sacrifices they are making in their lives as they are willing to let God prevail. I was reading "Overcome the World and Find Rest" this week while pondering on this. And these sacrifices, are hard. It's spiritual work, but it's the only type of work that will help them find the rest they are looking for. This quote hit a little different this week. 

"The truth is that it is much more exhausting to seek happiness (or truth, or guidance, etc.) where you can never find it! However, when you yoke yourself to Jesus Christ and do the spiritual work required to overcome the world, He, and He alone, does have the power to lift you above the pull of this world."

Jesus Christ has the power to lift YOU above the pull of the world!! The world is what is burdensome. The world is what is pulling us down. Jesus Christ is why this gospel is light. 

I can't believe I only have 9 more months here. đŸ˜­đŸ˜­ 

I love you all!
Sister Menden

- zone pday last week!
- the lessons where we put Danilo on baptismal date đŸ„° 
- Coimbra
- us sad we couldn't buy coke right before the cutie lady walked by 
- tell me that picture of that one old man on that bench doesn't look like a movie set
- movie night!! And we watched the other side of heaven! 
