Sister Smith was in poke jail 😓



This week was good!! also hard!! happy tears!! sad tears!! All time highs (having a bomb day with so many bomb lessons and finding so many bomb people) and all time lows (unplanned 1 hour long comp inventory sesh). But it really was a really good week! I'm learning and growing so much in ways that I never would have imagined because of opportunities the mission has given me. 

My list of miracles that we saw this week ðŸ¥°

- On sunday we were in the church making calls and a random lady comes in from off the street needing help and wanting to learn more about her family search account. On Tuesday we were in the church waiting for our friend to show up and a random man comes in from off the street wanting to learn more about our english classes we offer (how he learned about them in the first place I have no idea). On Wednesday we had a lesson early in the morning at the church but as soon as we got there, she cancelled. And then some random guy comes in from off the street saying that his friend has always told him he should learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that he happened to come across the church on the way to his new job. And then he sits down with us and starts reading the Book of Mormon with us and loooves it. 

- Cristina has been praying really hard about the church and about baptism, and this week she had 2 dreams about us!! and she told us that her take away from her dreams was that God is telling her that she's on the right path and that she shouldn't be scared!! She is now on baptismal date for March 25th!!!!

- Being able to call dad on his birthday!!! Best end to the day literally ever. It was just what I needed.

- Remember facebook miracle man who was on baptismal date for 2 days ago? Well GET THIS. He has been ghosting us!! For about 2 weeks now!! UNTIL!! This week Sister Cordner started messaging him on facebook unknowingly that he is mister facebook miracle man. And she asked him if he knew about the 3 kingdoms of glory. and he said no but that he wanted to learn more and then gave her his number. (First of all freaking frustrating because we have been trying to teach him the rest of the plan of salvation for a million years now) But since then, he's been responding to us!!!

- I'm gonna tell all the details of this miracle because all the details count. Ok I actually don't know if this is miracle or not, but I'm literally convinced we had contact with one of the 3 Nephites. HAHA. We had a lesson fall through so we were walking to knock some doors and outside of the building, we ran into a member and started talking to her for a hot sec. All while we were talking, this maintenance man was by the door of the apartment complex that we wanted to knock, talking on the phone. We said bye to the member, went and buzzed one of the doors and immediately they let us in, and the maintenance man followed us. We started knocking doors all while the maintenance guy was like following us kinda as he was trying to fix the elevator. We knocked a couple floors and then as we were passing the maintenance guy on the stairs he told us to go to the second floor and knock the door on the left. So we were like ðŸ‘€ okay!! We did and Rita was wayyy cool. She took a Book of Mormon, said she would read, and we told her we would call her the next day. As we were leaving the apartment complex, we were looking around for mister maintenance man to maybe see if he wanted salvation and we couldn't find him!! (Ok we didn't look super duper hard but still!) This story would be super cool if there was a super amazing ending but actually, the next day we tried calling Rita and she ended up blocking us ðŸ¥² I don't know guys, God works in mysterious ways. 

- The other sisters had a baptism of the cutest man on the whole planet!! Ever since the first day they found him, they've called him "Too Good to be True Man" and he really ended up being too good to be true. 

Not miracles:
- Me realizing how freaking white and pasty I am!!! Not me at an all time low on the mish 
- Our good friend showed up to his lesson sooo drunk. 
- We had nasty arepas at cat dog pee house. 
- Been here two transfers, and the luta to have dinner with the bishop's family is still on. Bispo's wife left us on read this week ðŸ¥²

Sooo many miracles for real. So many little miracles that make up the big miracles. Us being at the church at the perfect times for the people to walk in and talk to us. Sister Cordner messaging our miracle facebook man out of all of the people on facebook to message, and then asking him a very specific question about the plan of salvation. The perfect timing of talking to the member on the street and the maintenance man recieving revelation for us lol. 

Dad reminded me of a quote today by President Nelson. "God has not ceased to be a God of miracles. Every book of scripture demonstrates how willing the Lord is to intervene in the lives of those who believe in Him... The Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, “doubting nothing.” Do the spiritual work to seek miracles. Prayerfully ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith. I promise that you can experience for yourself that Jesus Christ “giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.""

Isn't it just so cool that God is just waiting, eager!! to bless us with real life actual miracles? We just need to do our part. I've had a sticky note on my wall for awhile now that just says, "Do the spiritual work to seek miracles." It's work!! It's not easy!! We have to do our part. 

I love you all!! 
Send me pics and videos of the Taylor Swift concert or else!!!
❤️ Sister Menden 

- Irmã Nelly (Ok I'm evil this is cat dog pee house family I need to stop calling them that I literally love them so much) invited us to her birthday party!
- Pestaring contas with our district leader. Strictly business. 
- The District 
- We were walking to a member meal and we left a few minutes after the other sisters so we could have better street contacts you know. And as we were walking we found a folheto that they had given someone ditched on that bench. Hahaha tristeza
- our cutie apartment! You can see our Sister nielson birthday decorations still up in the window!
- The other sisters baptism! 
