Farooooo 💓💗💖💝


Hey fam!!

Wow guys I have never been more tired than I have been this week. We are working HARD and I'm really EXHAUSTED and there is never enough SLEEP lol. So don't give the missionaries a hard time for falling asleep during the sacrament ok. 

I looooove it here. The south of the mission is known for being "hard" but we are teaching and finding and it has been super awesome. Faro is just a cutie little beach town vibes I love it. It's also super humid and with my hair I literally look like a lion and I don't know if my long hair is gonna last it this whole summer you guys. I am getting a super awesome tan line starting from mid-calf down so that is super awesome for me đŸ˜€

Sister Webster is SO AWESOME. She is so fun and ugh she just motivates me to want to be better. She's literally a maquina I don't know how she does it. also homegirl can EAT. I've never seen aaaanyone eat like her. The members literally worship her.

Our friend DOMINGOS gets baptized on Sunday!!!! Guys this man is elect. We cant get through an invite at the end of a lesson without him cutting us off early saying yes he'll do it. With the word of Wisdom and tithing and everything. He's kind of in a tough situation that we've had to deal with. He currently lives with his ex girlfriend, and they have an older child together. But he told us that he only lives with her because he feels bad as he takes care of them and pays the bills. He said that 6 years ago he read in the Bible and learned about the law of Chastity there so ever since then, he stopped everything outside of marriage. Isn't that crazy??? In the bible?? It's been a process and we've talked to President and Bispo and everything is all good for him to be baptized and confirmed next week right after church. We are excited đŸĽ° Please pray that everything goes well this week!! I'm a little scared! 

With divisions and things this transfer, this past week was our only week just working in our area and it was SO GOOD I haven't seen so many miracles in a long time. Here are some highlights of the week rapid fire: 

 - Our Bishop is so cool I love him. He helped in a fire lesson about the priesthood and then afterward as he was leaving he literally skipped away and he turned around and pointed at me with a big smile and said with a very thick accent "I like you! Welcome to Faro!"
- We were walking along this huge street and I saw a woman on the other side of the road millions of lanes of traffic away and I felt like we should talk to her. In my mind I tried to brush it off saying she's too far we have a lesson but then I was like no Sister we need to talk to her. So we kept an eyeball on her as we crossed traffic and she was just out of sight when we started jogging to catch her. We caught her, and turns out that a month earlier this lady sent in a self reference to learn more about the church but then kind of fell off the face of the earth. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she was so honored and excited and them we marked a lesson. She has again fallen off of the face of the Earth and I don't really know why, but I know it's not a coincidence we ran into her and I'm happy that now she has a Book of Mormon. 
- This week, I kid you not, I had the worst member meal of my whole mission. It was so so bad. The husband and son are active but the wife is not and she super is not and is proud of it. The wife literally bullied me into eating my chicken with my hands and the whole time she was talking about all of the millions of members she has problems with and all the reasons why she doesn't go to church not because Satan wants her to not go, but because she doesn't want to go and then she spent 10 minutes explaining to her son why he is so prideful. 
- Every week we do ministering calls with the sisters of the zone and I was so nervous but they ended up being so good I loved it so much!! I love getting to know more Sisters and wow it's so cool to learn from them and hear what they're learning and their testimonies and they're goals. đŸĽ°
- Sister Webster found this Dad named Wellington on facebook and now we are teaching him and his cute Brazilian family and they are so adorable. We taught them the plan of Salvation this week and it was soooo amazing to be able to explain what the plan means for them and their family not only for this life but for eternity. ugh I love the gospel. 
- We watched the Best Two Years in Portuguese this week!! 
- On my backpack I have a rainbow heart pin to show my love and support for the LGBTQ+ community ❤️ and this less active member came to church today, and then came up to me after telling me how happy she was to see my pin!! She sent me this message later in the day "Sisters, I cannot describe how good it felt for me to know that there is a representative of the church walking around without fear and showing her love for my people, for my people. I'm very very happy, thank you sister. These last few weeks I was really, very discouraged with the church and with many questions and that today warmed my heart đŸŒˆđŸ˜­
- We found a new friend from facebook who when we met at the church for the first time, she had found an old Book of Mormon that her husband had somehow and had already read the first 13 chapters of 1 Nephi. How amazing is it that the Lord had prepared a way for her husband to already have a Book of Mormon and that he had kept it in their house. đŸ¤ŻđŸ¤Ż Aline is gonna be baptized so hard. 

I love you guys!
Sister Menden

- that chapel is a million years old and only made of real bones and skulls bro 
- we have a less active member that literally actually lives behind that insane door 
- the plan of salvation lesson with the cute fam đŸĽ˛
- me and dad!!! Still praying for 2 little red cars to be parked on the street one day 
