One and done 🫠



Guess what! I'm in Faro!!! Not in Gaia! Surprise!!!!

We got transfer news on Wednesday night at 9:30pm and so you can imagine how anxious we are all day. When you are gonna train or be an STL or anything you usually get a call before the news comes out to give you a heads up. SO FIRST at 6:30pm Sister Cornell gets a call from President saying that she's going to be SAP!!!!! πŸ˜­❤️ And then at 8:30pm we're in the middle of teaching our english class and we get a call from the SAP's saying that Sister Larson is gonna train!!! and then at 9pm I was in the middle of answering someone's english question when Sister Cornell shows me my phone and President is calling and he told me I'm gonna be STL!! Bro and then at 9:30pm I find out that I'm going to the opposite side of the country to Faro!!! So many emotions πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ

First of all, I'm so sad to be leaving Gaia so soon!! Just one transfer!! I was just getting to know the members and the area really and now I gotta do it all over again. But I'm so glad for the experiences and friendships I have now because of my time there!! and I know that "all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things" (2 nefi 2:24) becaussseee

DAD SERVED IN FARO YOU GUYS!! It's actually amazing. Dad served in just the south of Portugal, and the only area that he served in that is currently a sisters area is Faro. I'M SO EXCITED. I talked to President about dad's areas at the veeery beginning of my mission. and then actually literally this week in my letter to him, I reminded him, asking him to pray about it. and now!!! I'm here. The chapel that we go to for church was opened when dad was serving here!! I was sitting in church yesterday imagining little 18 year old Elder Menden here about 30 years earlier and it was sooo cool. 

Maddy (or Sister Cordner perdΓ£o) is now a STL but in Braga!!! I love her!!!😭 I'm so lucky that we can both be baby STL's together and learn and grow together like we have been since high school. I got to see her for literally probably about 5 minutes at transfers for the first time in 6 months(!!!) and I cried happy tears. Can't wait until we're comps here in a few transfers πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Sister Cornell is now SAP πŸ˜­and even though she would disagree so hard, she's the the most amazing missionary and no one could do it better than her I'm convinced ❤️‍πŸ”₯ Because she had to leave before transfers to go do big girl SAP things, Wednesday night, right after we got transfer news, was our last night, all 4 of us together in the Gaia house and highkey it was really sad. Real tears were shed on both ends as me and Sister Cornell laid on the nasty missionary floor holding hands surrounded in piles of her clothes lol. But it's okay because she's gonna come do divisions with me down here in Faro πŸ₯³πŸ’ƒ

I've been here only for 2 days but I LOVE IT!!! I'm so excited to work here and to be here with Sister Webster!! And this ward is amazing!! Sister Webster is one transfer older than me and this is her 2nd transfer as an STL. I'm so hyped we're gonna see some miracles this transfer I feel it. We have some really cute friends and we're teaching this cutie family!! And it's going to be so good. 

Something I always always always want to remember, is how our friends react after reading 2 Nephi 2:22-25 and then 25-28. Guys it's so cool I love this chapter go read it right now. Portugal is full of Catholic people and before the mission, I never fully realized the added knowledge that we have about the fall of Adam and Eve, and the plan of salvation, that these people just do not know. I've had friends say "Wow... I've never thought of it that way before. I love that." Or "I've never heard the fall of Adam and Eve talked about with joy." I love the Book of Mormon, and I love the restoration of the church, and I love that "men are, that they might have JOY." Literal JOY! So many people don't know that!! 

This transfer is going to be so amazing and I know I'm going to grow so much. I'm also really terrified for lots of the responsibilities of being an STL. How on earth am I supposed to be leading divisions and giving trainings when I feel like I just started my mission and I feel like I speak like 2oz of portuguese? But also, I'm really excited for the added opportunities I have to minister and serve the other sisters. I honestly really love worrying and thinking about others and their needs and what I can do for them. And I've found that that's the best way to cope with my own. I trust that the Lord needs me here in Faro at this time, with Sister Webster, with these sisters and with this zone. 

Proverbs 3
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Philippians 4
13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 

Sis Menden

Last days in Gaia πŸ˜­
First few days in Faro πŸ₯°
