#blessed 🫶



Mission time is so weird. I can't believe it's literally July. ðŸ«¨ðŸ«¨

This week we didn't have MLC or any exchanges or anything so we just worked até o pó. ðŸ˜¤ and for some reason I can not remember what we did or what happened at all lol.

I wanna give a shoutout to Sister Webster because she is just insane. She is just so selfless and caring and catch me always running to keep up with her. I've learned to stop asking her if she has a hair tie I can use because by the time I turn around to see if she does she's already pulled the one out of her hair, até her cute little updo to give me hers. Or she'll offer to carry my Book of Mormon for me on the street because she knows I hate how sweaty my hand gets these days holding it hahah. She's a máquina. ðŸ«¶ðŸ«¶

Vampire diaries and smart cars

Our cute Ukranian friend, Valentin, is on date to be baptized on the 23rd!!!! I love this man, but boy is he frustrating sometimes. His situation is so unique because he's told us that he has received a confirmation from the Spirit that he needs to be baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. so yay!!! He reads the Book of Mormon and Bible every day, and has come to church for weeks now. But while he has had that confirmation in his heart, his mind is knowledge is trying to convince him otherwise. He is so well versed on the Bible. And eeeverytime we teach something he asks, "and where does it say that in the Bible?" Literally every time. Restoration? where is that in the Bible? Living prophet? Bible. Plan of Salvation? Bible. (Not to mention the fact that he's saying it in Ukrainian and then our member is translating it to Portuguese every time.) And while it's been frustrating, it's been super cool for me to receive a stronger testimony of the fact that "the Bible and Book of Mormon complement and enrich each other." In our mission study plan, this week we were to study chapter 5 in the new Preach My Gospel about the Book of Mormon, and it was just perfectly inspired. I've really learned the importance of using "the Book of Mormon as (our) main source for teaching the restored gospel," because while there is a scripture in the Bible to back up everything, all of Valentin's doubts,

"The Book of Mormon provides the fullest and most authoritative understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to be found anywhere. It teaches what it really means to be born again. … We know why we are here on earth. These and other truths are more powerfully and persuasively taught in the Book of Mormon than in any other book. The full power of the gospel of Jesus Christ is contained in the Book of Mormon (Pres. Nelson)."

On Friday, we had 3 lessons where we ended up just reading the Book of Mormon with our friends and having a good study and showing them how they can have good studies on their own. And it was sooo cool. We picked up where they left off in their reading and it was so cool to see even after reading maybe 10 verses, even out of context, how we were able to apply the scriptures to their lives and have a good discussion. 

1 Nephi 19:23
"And I did read many things unto them which were written in the books of Moses; but that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah; for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning."

Ugh guys I love the Book of Mormon!! I can testify to you guys that I know our Savior, Jesus Christ so much better now than I ever did before in my life, because of this book. This book reminds me of who I am, my divine nature and divine potential. This book gives me sooo much peace in the doctrine it teaches. We had a videocall with a new friend this week, and we had just finished explaining what the Book of Mormon is to him who had never heard of the book before in his life, and he said "Wow, just from what you guys explained, I can tell your message is really important." Sister Webster and I looked at each other like ðŸ˜¯ðŸ˜¯ and said "YEAH IT IS!!!" We are so blessed to have ANOTHER Testament of Jesus Christ! 

This week I realized, that it has been wayyyy too long since I've done the invite that we extend in almost every single one of our lessons. "I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." And I want to invite you guys to do the same. TODAY!! I know God will hear and answer your prayer. I've seen it!! With my own two eyes!! He does it time and time again and will continue to hear and answer your prayers because He loves you. So much more than you can comprehend. 

🫶 Sister Menden

- 4th of july!! ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ ft Jesus
- Yes I had permission to send this amazing back sweat pic we are dying 
- The lesson where we marked Valentin's baptismal date!
- We were on a run and this mannequin scared me so bad 
- Our "Mom" here in Faro, is what Maria João calls herself and I literally love her so much my heart hurts. She wanted to see a pic of Sis Websters boyfriend so here is us zooming in haha strictly business.
- Sister Webster has me hooked on Bolo de Berlem with chocolate ðŸ¤¤ðŸ¤¤ The pastelaria in our literal building sells them and 6 months to sexy is out the window já já. 
- Look at Valentin's bible!! And the smile on his face!! ❤️‍🔥
- Conselho de Ala with all of my fav people 
