Transferência #3 em Faro 😤


I'm still in Faro bless 🙏🙏 This week was insane. 

Sister Webster left me EARLY because she left to take Sister Cornell's place as SAP!! and that was really rude and sad :// I only know Faro with Sister Webster so it was sad to see her go but she's off doing such amazing things. 🥹

Sister Cornell and Sister Adib both finished their missions this week❤️‍🔥 and bro 😭😭 I never thought this day would come where I would be on the mission without them. I can't wait to all play in Utah one day 🤗

I was complaining about how hot it was in July but guys it has been ridiculous down here. Idek how many degrees it's been but with the humidity, you better believe that my garments are always encharcados. 

My new comp is Sister Hagedorn!! She is SO amazing. This is her first transfer as STL so it's gonna be super good I'm excited. She is SO good at teaching and has lots of good ideas and I'm learning from her already. 

I'm a lot a bit stressed about all of the things that need to happen this transfer. August is the busiest month for everyone down here because of all the tourists and I genuinely believe a lot of these people when they say they don't have time. We have all of these friends with baptismal dates (YAY!!!) but I really don't think almost any of them will happen on the day we marked them for because of how hard it has been to have lessons with them. But even though I'm stressed and it's gonna be hard to work with all of these adults full schedules and our exchanges, WHAT A GREAT PROBLEM TO HAVE! Too many baptisms!!! So please pray for Viviane and Erik and Erikzinho, Viviane and Yasmin, Domingos, Peter, and Fred. 🙏 and also me while you're at it LOL. 

This transfer the mission got 32 new missionaries! And in our zone we have 6 new greenie babies, and 4 of them are sisters!! I am sooo excited to go on exchanges with them. I'm suuuper excited for this transfer and the new opportunity I have to make more goals and progress and develop and become a better representative of Jesus Christ. I know this transfer is going to just fly by. 

One of the ZL's invited us to read this devotional given at BYU this year and I can not stop thinking about it!! 

"A Master Class in Leadership: One Day with the Savior"

This transfer, as I now have more of an understanding of how things work, I'm excited to more fully take on my role as a leader. And in this devotional, he talks about how Jesus Christ is our perfect example of a leader, and more specifically, how He leads as He is with the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11-18. 

"Think of it: He had precious little time, given that He had other sheep to visit. He had to be concise, clear, powerful, and inspired in His limited time. So what did He do? Where was His focus? How did He teach? What can we learn about principles of leadership and how does His leadership in that single day stack up to leadership concepts taught today?"

"Jesus Christ is the Great Leader. He is the Master Teacher. His loving example of leading and teaching transcends more than just an ecclesiastical application. His leadership lessons will help you be a better spouse, parent, coach, supervisor, friend, employee, teammate, financial planner, missionary, neurosurgeon, or any other role that gives you the opportunity to interact with and lift others. Follow Him. Lead like He leads. Bless as He blesses. Lift as He lifts. Love as He loves."

I have goals for this transfer to start with 3 Nephi 11-18 and to really study the life of Christ and see how he leads and loves and then to apply what I learn. I asked President in my last interview what his advice would be to me as I only have a few transfers left. He said to take advantage of this time on the mission, this little bubble, and to pick Christ-like attributes, and work to develop them. Work to be a better disciple of Christ, rather than just a follower. I'm so grateful for our Savior and the life he lived (and lives) and for the opportunity to change in this life-time, really CHANGE and become better. ❤️

Sister Menden

I have like no pics this week ://
- Smoothies as we waited for Sister websters train 🥲
- Sister Hagedorn!!
- Our family history class!!! People came!! Ok members came but still
- SLT's🥰
